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We’re Having a Party!

    Multimodal image with bridge for July house party

    Our first in-person (outside, backyard) fundraising event!

    You are invited to a house party extravaganza on July 28nd at 6pm (now 7:30 heat-delayed start time) to support an equitable and environmentally just Interstate Bridge Project (IBR) (aka Columbia River Crossing 2.0). 

    We’re supporting a new bridge on I-5 that addresses seismic resilience, equity, climate justice and fiscal responsibility. As it stands, the IBR being planned is a major freeway expansion. It is also the most expensive and inflexible design choice, with the largest footprint and potential for displacement, and potential to crowd out funding for other needed transportation investments across the state. 

    To help raise awareness and build our grassroots movement for a just crossing, we’re organizing a House Party Extravaganza in SE Portland on July 28, 2022 (address provided after RSVP). 

    Please join a plethora of fantastic co-hosts and guests, to show your support for an equitable and environmentally just Interstate Bridge Project! Cohosts include:

    Representative Khanh Pham; Metro Councilor Mary Nolan; Jill Fuglister; Jeri Jimenez; Mara Gross; Michael Andersen; Jim Labbe; Aaron Brown; Mary Kyle McCurdy; Nakisha Nathan; André Lightsey-Walker; Steph Routh; Eli Spevak; Noelle Studer-Spevak; Michael Parkhurst; Mary Peveto; Bob Sallinger; Chris Smith; Vivian Satterfield

    You can RSVP using this link:

    Not able to join us on the 28th? You can make a contribution right now to support the cause.

    You can also sign up to help the effort in many different ways!